Sunday, March 28, 2010

Strangely Encouraging -

I ran across a website many years ago called It has grown quite a bit since then. It has those "inspirational posters" with words (like Teamwork), a picture, and a short story or saying to describe the words. Those are suppose to inspire you.

But the posters at are intended to splash cold water on your face and tell you about how the way things really are. The picture above has the word Recovery with the description: "Time heals all wounds. But it usually leaves a pretty big scar." Isn't it just like a 'truth-teller' to not give you fluff and untruth? Some try to be uber-positive to the point of telling lies. The older I get, the less of these I fall for (at least I'd like to think that - please don't burst my bubble.)

amyrei has been a wonderful truth-teller in my life. It's point is not to get caught in despair (funny name, but bad as a destination). It's point is to clear away the fog and see things (usually myself) without pretending that I'm different that I am. "Warts and all" as some say.

Sometimes I feel that The Church gets caught up in "Happy Happy Joy Joy". What's wrong with singing a sad song once in awhile?

(image taken from

Here's one to ponder. "Irresponsibility. No single raindrop believes it is to blame for the flood." Another post for that one.

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