Sunday, March 21, 2010

The reason I decided to blog.

I've been inspired by a number of people who blog. Some are notable, others not as much. Some are read by many others, others only by a few. But they all have something in common - they are not afraid to self-disclose. By blogging, they put something on the table and attach their name to it - even if nobody knows who they are.

I'm blogging because I've been afraid. I've been afraid of offending someone. I've been afraid of embarrassing myself. I've been afraid of letting myself be known. This fear has induced me to walk my life on a lonely road. Loneliness has its place, but it need not be a lifestyle. To ultimately leave my road, or rather, to invite others to help me widen my vision to see that my road is not so lonely - this is why I'm starting to blog.

... touching a toe off my precious road ....

(image captured from,
probably a very good Fly Fishing website)

1 comment:

  1. Tim,
    I'm very proud of you. Blessings as you reach out.
