Thursday, November 4, 2010

Seeing God

It seems like my posts, one after another, have little to do with the post that came previously. Here's another seemingly random post - I'll comment on the election later - hopefully soon - as I also hope the recount ends soon.

When I've got a few spare seconds and some jumpy grey cells, looking at the side links of "PowerLine" or "The Anchoress" often calm my cells. One post from The Anchoress caught my attention. She was responding to, or simply affirming a short article by Shu-Fy H. Pongnon. The article was a reflection about what color God's skin was.

Here's a selection about her moment of transformation:
It was the moment I realized that nothing I believed about how God looks ever mattered. It was like St. Paul trying to convince the disciples that, "Hey, what we're doing here is totally different! We're not Jews following Jesus. We're Christians!" Get the difference? God had given me a new vocabulary, and a new set of eyes, that wasn't tied to the hot-button issues of terra firma. It was more than what the eye could see.
I've often thought that the passage in 2 Cor 5 about being a new creation has much more to do with the mind than the soul. The new creation is largely about a new perspective.

So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!
It is a short essay - you can read it here. It's worth your time.

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