Friday, July 23, 2010

Shall we fight? (we might get rich)

Peter Schiff, noteworthy economist and investor, has recently written an insightful article which questions a current, nearly axiomatic economic assumption. The assumption is this: that WW2 brought the US, indeed the whole world, out of the recession. So, following this logic, Schiff wonders whether we could create another World War to kick start our economy again.

How can it not be obvious that government spending cannot help, but only hurt us all, in the long run. Government does not create wealth, it merely takes from some and gives to others, keeping the crumbs for its bureaucracy. Printing money by the government does not create wealth, it merely dilutes the value of the dollar that each of us earn or save or spend. It's laws can be helpful, but beyond enforcing basic notions of fair play, the laws hinder the freedoms outlined in the founding documents. The net effect of each of these (certainly all of these together) impoverish us financially and enslave us politically.

Maybe we do need a war.

(This got a lot more serious than I originally intended. Sorry about that.)

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