Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tax Day is coming

In the last 15 or so years I've been convinced of the badness of taxes - especially high taxes. I've come to the conclusion that taxes and theft differ only in legality. Not liking theft, I also do not like taxes.

Taxes take from me what is rightfully mine. They do the same to you. I personally have not given assent to this one-way transaction, but am bullied into it by threat of violence or other coercive means. Truly, if taxes were not enforced in this manner - if they were merely optional - none would relinquish their monies. Ah, but the government needs the money more than I do, so they burgle it. They are mean bullies.

Democratic (Republic) governments elect their leaders by majority vote. And the majority imposes its will on everyone. Would the rights of the minority be trampled on by the majority? Yes, of course. It happens all the time. Freedoms, property are like fruit for the majority. A Monarchy which loved freedom for the people would be better than any Democracy that took freedom from the people.

Alas, this is all too political. I simply want to have so little to do with the government that it would seem like they didn't exist. For as one revolutionary said "In our present crisis, government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem." I would paint with a broader brush.

This makes me angry when I think how much money I'll be 'giving' next week to the IRS.

(image from

This is inexcusable.

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