Saturday, April 3, 2010

Jesus died . . . and was buried.

Today is the day before Easter. Long ago, this same weekend (roughly), Jesus was dead.

It is an unpleasant thought for me. If God were to die . . . simply unthinkable. For the disciples and followers and family members; their hope was in his understanding of the world - their hope was in Him. For Him to be dead must have been terribly disillusioning and frightful to them.

Some people believe that Jesus didn't die that day on the cross - and with good reason. "Today, you will be with me in paradise." For me, this is the only reason, and all other Biblical evidence points towards Jesus dying like all other people dying. And then they are dead - Jesus was dead - like all people* will be dead. It is sad. He didn't have to die. The script shouldn't have been so mean - but He played the part and took the blows and stripes.

Is it comforting to believe that Jesus didn't die? that he went to Paradise (and that we will too when our time comes)? that he descended into hell to set the captives free (IPeter3)? I'm inclined to think that that is "figure of speech" stuff. If death does not mean really dead, then what does resurrection do to someone who is not really dead? What happens to those who have "died in Christ"? (as Paul adresses in IThess) If Jesus didn't stop existing in death, then death is very counter-intuitive to me. It's pretty much what I think will happen to all of us - we die and cease to exist - to be resurrected when Christ returns. (How could we rise to meet Him in the sky if we are already in Heaven?)

It's kinda scary to think that one day I'll not exist. There was a long time before I existed and people seemed to do just fine (all things considered). Maybe people will miss me. Maybe it'll be OK. I just hope God remembers me when the time comes.

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